SearchWithin.org—Resources for the Sincere Seeker
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A sampling of the latest material:
» A Poem by Kabir (PDF, 46 KB).
» As Long as I Can See YOU by Paulisimo (PDF, 16 KB).
» Perfect Brilliant Stillness,
by David Carse (unabridged complete book, PDF, 46 MB). Also available as a complete audio book: Perfect Brilliant Stillness (audio).
» The Mirror by Richard Rose. "If all is God. . .Can we pretend to be the soliloquy of God?" Poetry by Richard Rose from TAT Journal Issue 10 (PDF, 54 KB).
» After the Absolute by David Gold with Bart Marshall. A true story of the inner teachings of Richard Rose.
Read an excerpt from the Psychology of the Observer,
a book describing a going within that triggered one man's discovery of Reality.
Gain more insight into going within and tracing our way back to our Source by reading Jacob's Ladder: A Direct Going Within.
Travel with a sincere seeker through an 8-year journey as his spiritual search
unfolds while working with Richard Rose and his Albigen
In No Religion Is Greater Than Friendship,
learn how helping others accelerates a seeker's progress on the spiritual path.
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Sadony, Eckhart Tolle, and others, each selected for
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We go on to the highest form of Spiritual Work, the Realization of the Essence of Man. The final definition of man. And with this definition...the definition of all things, and a realization of the Nature, or Absolute, or God, behind all things.
- Richard Rose
Who—and what—you really are is at all times utterly still and absolutely silent.
- Bob Cergol
It's useful to keep the "back of the book" answer in mind. Throughout history, in every part of the world, everyone who has ever awakened to the true nature of Reality reports the same thing: The person you think yourself to be does not exist—there is no world, there are no people.
- Bart Marshall
Step #1 is intuiting, or hearing and believing, that all answers lie within. If you're fortunate, this intuition or belief will also include the understanding that you don't find the answer but become it.
- Art Ticknor
Death is inside each of us. I don't mean that we will all die one day. I mean that if we peer inside, down the mazy layers of noise that pass for a mind, we discover a black wall of the unknown. Behind this, inside us, is death.
- Shawn Nevins
Awareness, Love, is what we are, not romantic love or anything that the relative or ego can get control of, but truly, all there is, is Love. This "pearl beyond price" is what is at the core of each of us, and it is up to each of us individually to take the great journey within.
- Tess Hughes
For those seeking to know the Self or the Truth, there is hope, there is a subtractive path that involves working with others and on yourself, to find Truth for its own sake. Your efforts are not in vain.
- Mike Gegenheimer

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